What is the purpose of human life & how we can help humanity to go towards it? (Part 2)

Read part 1: What is the purpose of human life & how we can help humanity to go towards it?

Read a supporting article: What is Kundalini? What is Kundalini Yoga?

What element influences your behavior?

When the earth element predominates in a person’s body, they tend to act in a more rigid or inflexible manner, focusing solely on certain naturally governing processes of the physical body. This elemental nature manifests itself in our daily lives and actions.

It is important to note that all humans will eventually transition from rigidity to unlimited flexibility, or from gross perception and experience to subtle perception and experience. However, when our perception is coarse, our lives may appear more rigid. In such cases, there are fundamental bodily needs, such as food and sleep, which cannot be disregarded, as they form the basis of our behavior. This is because we are unable to perceive anything beyond these essentials when we are rigid, as ultimately, we can only see what naturally occurs.

Momentum of nature

So, The initial push when creation began was from inside out (acting as energy dissipation), and has now reversed, working from outside in (acting as energy accumulation). At the start of creation, the push was from unlimited flexibility toward more differentiated rigidity. Now the push has shifted, moving from more differentiated rigidity towards unlimited flexibility.

Our fundamental desire and momentum of nature

This push is present in every human being and can be sensed as our desire for increased pleasantness and pleasure. When we experience something pleasant, there is movement within us; for example, when we eat food and enjoy it, the food moves from our mouth to our digestive system and beyond. However, when it comes to subtler sensations, the energy behaves differently as we satisfy our desires.

When this energy behaves in balanced and exuberant manner, we feel like flowering from inside, it feels like something is fountaining from the body; which describes how energy behaves when we experience pleasantness. When we fulfill our immediate needs and desires, we feel pleasant.


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    When we are rigid and unable to perceive anything, we can only see the immediate natural desires of the body. Once we have had enough food and sleep, the body’s system has received sufficient input, and due to the natural push of energy accumulation from outside in, the system will seek more advanced and complex inputs. It will become bored with the same level of input. Over time, the system matures, although the length of time it takes for a person to progress beyond the level of food and sleep varies.

    As we accumulate enough input in the system, it will demand more advanced and complex inputs. At the first level of rigidity, the natural desires will be for food and sleep. Next, as we have engaged enough with the earth, we seek greater flexibility. The second easily accessible pleasure is that of sexual activities, which humans tend to engage in once they have had enough food and sleep.

    How does nature’s momentum function?

    This process occurs naturally, pushing us from one level of input to another, one by one. It begins with earth, then progresses to water, fire, air, and finally ether – from gross to subtle, from rigid to increasingly free. We have now moved from a specific form of earth to another human being. Once we have had enough of the second level of input, the desires of sexual activities, we seek to engage with a group of humans, impacting different lives. As we interact with more people, we receive more advanced input into the system, leading to a new kind of experience.

    Sequentially, as we derive pleasure from eating and sleeping, we experience different and more intense pleasure in sexual activities, and then even more intense pleasure when we engage with many people. This pattern of increasingly intense experiences occurs as we encounter more complex stimuli. Once we have interacted with many individuals and experienced everything, the system will mature once again, seeking deeper, more intense, and more complex inputs.

    Examining this entire process in its essence, it begins with our physical body or earth element, focusing on the desires of our physical body. We then progress to desires that involve a mix of our physical body and our mind. Following this, we engage both our physical body and our mind equally. As the system becomes more flexible, it also becomes more complex. The nature of the push now shifts more towards the mind, leading to increased flexibility. We move from our physical body to our intellect, and then to our emotions, which can be considered part of our mental body. The more flexible the movement and the inputs, the more we seek love.

    We have engaged with people but still crave a deeper connection. We desire a more profound involvement with a specific individual. Our understanding also evolves, as we gain experience with different stimuli, learning about our own satisfaction, desires, and the limitations of various stimuli, including food, sleep, sexual desires, social involvement, and worldly activities. Eventually, we come to understand love, which is an aspect of emotion that we experience. In this stage, we engage on a deeper level with a particular person, and the energy within our system behaves more flexibly, offering a higher pitch of pleasantness than worldly activities.

    Nature’s momentum and the growth of human wisdom

    As we progress through different types of stimulation, our experiences exist at increasingly subtle levels. For instance, when we begin with food and sleep, we interact with the gross form of earth. Then, when we engage with another human being, the stimulus becomes slightly more complex than the stimuli associated with food and sleep. With social activities, we no longer interact solely with people’s physical bodies; the physical body becomes a means to engage with subtler stimuli later on. We actually interact more with people’s minds and experience more on the mental level. The same applies to our experience of emotions, where the stimulus is present at the same subtle level as our experience.

    This is how we move ahead experiencing elemental nature in our life from Earth then water then fire & then Air. As the energy of the push moves forward and processes increasingly complex stimuli, it automatically reaches a place where it can sense more subtle yet complex stimuli. This is how nature’s momentum progresses. As we grow and evolve, we continually seek new experiences and challenges that allow us to explore and understand ourselves and the world around us more deeply. Through this process, we not only gain wisdom but also fulfill our innate desire for growth, ultimately moving ahead in the journey of transcending the limitations of our physical existence by embracing the complexity and flexibility of our emotional and intellectual lives.

    Read Part 3: What is the purpose of human life & how we can help humanity to go towards it? (Part 3)

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